Child Sexual Abuse Prevention by Zina
*Trigger warning for all podcasts due to sensitive topic*
This podcast is for adults about child sexual abuse prevention and related topics hosted by Zina Ponsell.
Zina has a long history of working with children. She started her journey with a BA in Sociology as a Resource Coordinator for a Prekindergarten in 1997, where she assisted families and their children with daily life struggles. While working at the Prekindergarten, she began volunteering at a Rape Crisis/Child Advocacy Center with the thought in mind if any of her 100 Prekindergarten children found themselves needing a forensic medical exam due to allegations of child sexual abuse, she would be a familiar face as the volunteer advocate to assist 'her kids' and their families through this stressful time of uncertainty.
In 2004 Zina transitioned over to a fulltime position as the Victim Advocate at the Rape Crisis/Child Advocacy Center, where she remained employed in working with child and adult victims of sexual abuse until 2018.
Through the years Zina wore several hats which included Child Forensic Interviewer, Extended Forensic Interviewer, Children's Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator and Prevention Education Coordinator, following her initial position as Victim Services Coordinator.
As Prevention Education Coordinator, Zina trained thousands of children of all ages in six different school systems and communities, and adults, on Sexual Abuse Prevention.
This podcast is a product of years of extensive sexual abuse prevention trainings and working directly with child victims of this ongoing crime against our children.
It is our job as adults to protect all children. As the saying goes, knowledge is power.
Zina welcomes adult male and female listeners to her podcast. There are many adult survivors of both genders of this childhood trauma. We hope in some way these podcasts help you too.
You are invited to email Zina at csapreventionbyzina@gmail.com with any questions you would like included in future podcasts, dropping every Thursday beginning April 2024, Child Abuse and Sexual Assault Awareness month.
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention by Zina
A short little THANK YOU...and Mom (read episode description)
This podcast is a verbal thank YOU note to my dedicated listeners!! I would not be here without YOU!! You all are GREATLY appreciated!!
I also tapped into a little bit about my personal life. This was not mentioned in this episode, but the only reason I chose to hang up my face-to-face work with children and adults in regard to sexual abuse was because my mother has dementia. I chose to care for her and manage her care team to be able to keep her in her own home, which is also the house I grew up in.
So, with that being said, this podcast was born so I could continue to educate people on Child Sexual Abuse while literally sitting beside my bedridden mother and savoring every second I have with her.
Thank you so much for your patience as we continue to produce these podcasts.
Email me at csapreventionbyzina@gmail.com with any questions or comments. Every 9 minutes a child is sexually abused (RAINN). The RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) website is www.rainn.org, or call 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) 24/7 to receive services for current or past sexual assault. RAINN is for any age victim of sexual abuse. Mental Health America mhanational.org.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network nctsn.org.
Enough Abuse Campaign enoughabuse.org
Stop It Now! stopitnow.org, Darkness to Light d2l.org,
radKIDS radKIDS.org, Netsmartz netsmartz.org, netsmartzkids.org, nsteens.org, nsteens.org, internetmatters.org